Monday, October 24, 2005

Alfred Hitchcock?

I fear they may be making a sequel to this classic movie behind our apartment. I live in utter fear of the masses of congregating crows found in the parking lot and on rooftops. Circling...always circling. Is this the end? Will I honestly be forced to die from a scavanger revolution? I thought I paid my dues...I give crows the sacred food of McD's fries all the time. And what about our one-legged crow friend out in Idaho? He couldn't let them bring their evil pecking down upon me, could he? Hopefully they are just after the BlackJesus for being a fry bogarter and shall spare my life.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


The KrackerFaktory left the games last night feeling highly ashamed for falling to the level of her all-time foe of BlackJesus. In her attempts to beat the stinking, wretched, despicable, deplorable, miserable, pathetic, worthless, weak BlackJesus she failed to look at who she was killing and ran around willy-nilly blowing people up. She apologizes for any irritaion that may have occurred as a result of her selfishness and hopes next time will be more fun for EVERYONE....except BlackJesus of course...he is now her #1 target to kill, but not necessarily beat.

Friday, October 21, 2005

This is my brain on school...


This is the Halo YOU Play...

This is the Halo WE Play... DIE!!!!

Pain is for the weak....which is why I should be spared!

Yesterday I was kindly informed that I would be getting separators again in December, requiring me to travel mucho tiempo twice in less than a week shortly before finals. Not only that but it is for ultimate pain which I was under the impression happened only once during braces, and I already went through it once. My teeth suck! Jamie stinks on ice for her almost perfect teeth that never need tightening! :-( (Tantrum)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Although I must admit that even if I was on fire it is questionable as to whether or not I would be warm enough, it is still stinkin cold here! The stupid previous owners made the electric radiators useless, so our only source of heat is a small space heater for the entire place. The previous owners must have torn the parts out of the wall so that they could sell them on the streets for their crack, so they could upkeep their business. When I find them the only thing they will be able to snort is my foot when it is in their faces! Grrrrrrrrrrrr....Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Today Joshua is 21, or 3, depending on whether you are referring to his biological age(21) or the age his actions portray(3). That is all. He does not need too much attention, for otherwise:
1) His head inflates like one of those balloons clowns turn into animals (and eventually explodes so this might not be too bad after all)


2) He cries his little baby eyes out because everyone is picking on him (waaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

Westell 6100 sucks!

Spluge should be currently thanking the Westell company for making the model 6100 dsl modem. This modem is the only modem that will not support more than one device using the dsl at a time. Thus, it is impossible for the KrackerFaktory to play X-box Connect. It really is a pitty. I surely do miss killing the little wench!